Weekely Web Wondering


Hi everyone!

I Hope your week is going well. in honor of sexual assault awareness month (April) I wanted one of my wondering to feature a website that get to the heart of the issue. RAINN.org. What is RAINN? Well first it is an acronym for Rape, Abuse, Incest, National, Network and it is one of the largest anti-sexual assault organizations in the United States. What you will find is not just support, but progress including safety planning, legislative progress and impacts, as well as success stories.If you need help call the hotline at: 1.800.656.HOPE Or you can chat with a support person free, confidentially, and securely at: https://ohl.rainn.org/online/

Find out more and get involved! https://rainn.org/

Not Alone


Not Alone

You are not alone, together against sexual assault. Find resources and information here.

I came across this web page via the white house and I had to share it. I know what it’s like to be a victim. Please know, you are loved by people you haven’t even met.